Archive for the 'Brain Injury' Category

GF Strong Rehab Centre

Posted by on Jan 30 2013 | Brain Injury , Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , MS , Presentations, Workshops. Media

PROMPT therapy

Dr. Perry was interested in knowing if I had any photos from my work at GF Strong Rehab Centre to use in my story. I had entered this photo into a nation-wide call for photos from my professional organization to use in a calendar for 2003. This young man had apraxia of speech, meaning he had trouble sequencing speech sounds into intelligible speech. This was from a brain injury. He had full use of language and was able to understand and write in full sentences. Whenever he tried to talk, words came out jumbled and the only intelligible word was a profanity. Isolated apraxia of speech is relatively unusual. Most often we would see this in conjunction with aphasia, or loss of language.

Thanks to Riana at CASLPA for helping me to get a digital copy for use in the presentation.

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