Archive for December, 2016

Things getting worse again . . .

Posted by on Dec 23 2016 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , MS

Just a quick update for those people who read my blog to find out how I’m doing.

I continue to have problems with digesting food. I am losing weight again. I suspect this is more of a problem with my small intestine rather than the large intestine. I have been taking high doses of Nystatin to try to eliminate the candida infection in my intestines.

I had a severe pain in the right side of my face four nights ago. I increased the dose of nortriptyline to help with that. I have been working with a few new professionals to try to get things back on track but I am starting to get discouraged.

My left foot and leg are getting weaker. I continue to have difficulty sleeping. If I were stronger and digesting food, I think I would be doing better but I’m in bad shape.

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