Archive for July, 2015

Teaching medical students, Portland, Oregon

Posted by on Jul 31 2015 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , Health Care , MS , Presentations, Workshops. Media , Public Speaking

I have been invited to share my story with second-year medical students at Oregon Health Science University. It inspired me to make a video of my exercise class that I participate in twice a week. I have really gained in strength, balance, and coordination since I started the program last October, after my second rhizotomy.

I have been given a full hour to talk to the students. I hope there is a good turnout! I’ll be speaking right after a very entertaining radiologist, who also happens to be an old friend, so chances are he’ll encourage the audience to stay for my presentation.

My talk is in three parts: the first about the nightmare of getting diagnosed and the multiple medical errors made. The second part is on the treatment approaches via conventional medicine plus alternative medicine, including the ‘controversial’ areas of CCSVI/Dysautonomia and diet/lifetstyle. And I end the presentation with the picture of my life today.

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