Archive for July, 2014

Feeling great . . .

Posted by on Jul 30 2014 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , Life at home , MS

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This picture is from a few weeks ago. My parents-in-law liked it so much that they asked me for a copy, so I decided to use this photo for this post. I had been to the farmers market and the face painter for kids wasn’t too busy, so I asked her to give me a sunflower.

It has been 11 weeks since the last shock in my mouth. I am still on the same level of medications for nerve pain but I haven’t had to increase it.

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I’ve been on my new bike and make trips to Mountain View Cemetery to take photos of graves for Find A Grave . It’s a good hobby that engages my brain, gets me out, and gives me a way to help people by taking photos they can’t take themselves.

Our nieces are visiting from Quebec and we’ve been out doing things around the city. I have so much more energy than I’ve had for years.

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So, what am I doing that’s making the difference? The energy has improved a lot since the venoplasty procedure in February, so I think it’s part of it. I’m also on the MS drug, Tecfidera, and I’m tolerating it well. I take LDN (low dose naltrexone) as well as several supplements. I believe the biggest changes in healing is now coming from the food I’m eating by following the recommendations in The Wahls Protocol and perhaps some divine intervention.

We’ll never really know. I’m doing my best to enjoy feeling great and to appreciate the things I have in my life.

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Canada Day

Posted by on Jul 02 2014 | Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia , Life at home , MS

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If you had told me two years ago that I would be riding my bike again and enjoying my life, I would have been skeptical. The pains in my mouth and face had started again and I was really afraid. (At that time, I had the results of my first MRI and I was pretty sure I was dealing with MS but it took me several more months to get ‘officially’ diagnosed.)

The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days and we enjoyed getting out into the sunshine. Yesterday, we dressed up in red and white, then rode our bikes to visit friends. It felt good to get some exercise and to sweat a bit. I had lost my ability to sweat but it seems to have come back since my venoplasty.

The very best thing about feeling better is enjoying food again. Although I’ve eliminated dairy, wheat and sugar from my diet, I have added many things that are helping my body to heal. It has now been 7 weeks without a shock in my mouth, although I am still on medications. I have not had to increase them in that time either.

I have been inspired by the story of Dr. Terry Wahls, and when I saw her video in late 2012, I started making some changes.

What makes Dr. Wahls credible is she did her research and used herself as a study subject. She has medical training and she sought the best help from the system, but they failed her. She changed her diet and, initially, slowed the progression of her disease. And after more research, she started adding things to her diet and then started to regain function. So, I figured, if she can do it, I can do it too.

I ordered her book, The Wahls Protocol , and I am now participating on a facebook group with Dr. Wahls and Leanne Ely where they share menus that fit with the protocol that Dr. Wahls has developed. She is currently running clinical trials and getting great results.

Thank you Dr. Wahls!

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